A Time of Winefulness....

Looking back, 2006 was one of my most wineful times ever!
From ringing it in with Roederer while watching midnight runners and fireworks in Central Park to helping family best friends make lifelong dreams come true with the launch of Calistoga Estate, it was a great year!
Throughout, I continued to deepen my love and knowledge of wine and the senses...and of the ways in which they enhance each other.
Highlights included:
* Reconnecting with some of my favorite folks from the wine world...among them Dave Stare of Dry Creek Vineyards, Michaela Rodeno of St. Supery, John Williams of Frog’s Leap, Terry Theise, the families Deutsch and DuBoeuf , Phyllis and Marvin Stirman of Calistoga Estate, and more.
* Learning more than ever before about everything from the true taste of terroir to the multi-faceted magnificence that goes on in our bodies and minds when we savor wine in and with every sense.
* Building The Senses Bureau in order to deepen and share sensory experiences and all the understanding and joy that goes with them.
* Collaborating with Kevin Zraly to write a chapter on Smell for his 2007 Complete Wine Course.
* Creating The Wine Workout as a way to strengthen and train the senses and brain.
* Savoring a 1998 Eyrie Vineyards Willamette Valley Pinot Noir that Oregon winemaking pioneer David Lett had given me on my first visit to his vineyards.
* Sipping pink Champagne Pommery through a silly straw.
* Drinking to make a difference to countries like Israel and causes like Roots of Peace and SHARE.
* Celebrating major milestones and simple pleasures with family and friends.
Looking forward, I trust that 2007 will be even better!
Among other things, I’ve signed on as the New York Brand Manager for Calistoga Estate Vineyards, and will be working to make these wines a success in the tri-state area. We will be planting family vineyards on my brother and sister-in-law’s farm in rural Virginia, and finally beginning to make wines of our own.
Hopefully, I will be sharing some wonderful wines and times with you!
Here’s to your happiness and health in this New Year, and to hopefully having you join us at the inaugural Wine Workout on January 23.
Wendy Dubit and The Senses Bureau
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