The 1.23 Wine Workout!

This year, amongst huge gratitude for just being here, my New Year’s resolutions include increased winefulness -- which is to say, a deepened enjoyment and sharing of wine...and all else in ways that enhance happiness, health, love and learning.
For every good reason, I’m hoping you'll join me!
For starters, we’d love to count you among the guests at our inaugural Wine Workout on January 23, 2007, from 6:30 - 9 pm at Pulse Restaurant in The Sports Club/LA at Rockefeller Center. The 1.23 Wine Workout will benefit Roots of Peace and their "Mines into Vines" program, which transforms former minefields into thriving farmland.
What is The Wine Workout? It's a vibrant new exercise that uses tasting wine to strengthen and train the senses and mind.
To the many proclaimed health benefits of moderate wine consumption -- lower blood pressure and cholesterol, reduced risks of heart attack, stroke, certain cancers and degenerative diseases among them -- The Wine Workout offers up a few more: Mindfully savoring wine becomes the practice that helps articulate the senses, define preferences and enhance how we create, integrate and reactivate memories. Plus, it is FUN!
Our 1.23 Wine Workout will be led by me; will showcase chef Jake Klein’s Asian-inspired fare; and will feature performance artist Katie Down of Glass Music, who will guide us in participatory Wine Glass Symphonies before and between Wine Workout rounds.
Celebratory aperitif and hors d’oeuvres will be followed by Glass Music Symphonies and by four sit-down rounds of compare-and-contrast Wine Workout tastings, designed to exercise the senses and mind.
Cost is $100 per person, inclusive of wine, food, music, materials, tax and tip.
Click here for full information and registration details.
Here's hoping to see you at our 1.23 Wine Workout, and here's wishing you a happy, healthy, peaceful, prosperous New Year. May it abound with love and gladness beyond words and measure. And may it find us sharing many fine wines and times together!
Warmly and looking forward,
Wendy Dubit and The Senses Bureau
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