Eating in Color

I was so lucky to be able to give a talk to The Color Association of the United States this week on the importance of Eating in Color.
It is not only possible to eat with the eyes: Sensorially and nutritionally speaking, it’s brilliant…especially at this time of year!
Seek out all things green, yellow, orange, red and purple for a diet rich in phytochemicals, vitamins, and other nutrients.
Listen to what pleases the eye in buying, preparing, eating and sharing apples, arugula, avocadoes, beans, berries, cabbages, carrots, citrus, grapes, greens, lettuce, melons, parsley, peas, peppers, peaches, plums, pumpkin, sprouts, squash, sweet potatoes, salmon, tomatoes, zucchini, zests (of lemon, lime, orange, etc.) and more.
Within each of these, there is an enticing array of varieties and tastes.
Make your own A – Z list and savor what happens with your senses.
ENJOY visits to gardens, farms, markets…and even your own fridge. Frequent the restaurants that serve best of local.
For guides other than your appetite and eyes, we also highly recommend Power Foods by Stephanie Belling, M.D.
And let's not forget drinking in color! We followed it up with a wonderful red, white and sparking Wine Workout that had us tasting in with every sense....
To your happiness and health!
Wendy and The Senses Bureau