Sense of Wonder

Lindaa and I walked silently along the Cliffs of Mohr. It was Spring and Winter all at once...and so off-season that even Gifts of Mohr was closed.
Driving back to Logues, we rolled down the windows so as to better see, feel, smell and hear sunset, dusk, deeper darkness, rain, sleet, snow, manure, meadow, sea, animals, ocean.
It was one of those times that remains alive and enriches in every sense.

Yesterday, I arrived in Ireland forJohn O'Donohue's memorial service. Lindaa and I drove from the airport to Co. Clare through snow so fresh that our tracks were the first. Later, we learned that Feb. 1 is also the first day of Irish Spring.
It found me remembering a favorite quote from Diana Kappel-Smith's Wintering:
"In the winter, everything out of doors seems to be gone. But...we know that nothing is gone, and that all the rich life of a June morning is out there on a January morning."