Dining to Make a Difference

Dining to Make a Difference grew out of a lifelong commitment to food that feeds more than just hunger, but that also invites and sings to the senses, is enjoyed in good company and health, and that nurtures the people who grow and prepare it as well as the earth itself.
In the aftermath of 9.11.01, this personal commitment took on new meaning. Starting in October 2001 and continuing still, beginning at Ground Zero and fanning out from there, Dining to Make a Difference has hosted happy hours, dinners and events at many of downtown's hardest hit restaurants. In the process, an ever-growing group of NYC residents and visitors has done much to strengthen community, rebuild downtown's economy and restaurant industry and raise awareness and funds for selected charities.
Five years later, the needs and opportunities remain as great as ever. Profound impacts stem from such everyday acts as where, when and how we eat.
Now, more than ever, we encourage you to visit the NYC downtown venues that so need, deserve and appreciate your support.
And we invite you to support such programs as:
Dining for Darfur
A Growing Concern
Greenmarket's 30th Anniversary
Share our Strength's "Restaurants for Relief" Katrina Campaign
Warmly and with thanks,
Wendy and The Senses Bureau
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